Case study: In-depth process understanding to underpin a continuous bioprocess technology platform

A new in-depth case study describes how Britest helped CellRev, an innovative solutions provider in controlling cell-to-cell and cell-to-surface attachment, to capture critical process understanding enabling inter-company technology transfer with their development partner for a new continuous manufacturing platform.

CellRev’s core technology in enzymatic cell detachment offers a breakthrough in the ability to control and balance the rates of cell growth and detachment, opening the way to a scalable, continuous process for adherent cell expansion. The challenges of productivity – (achieving very large cell counts) and product flexibility (maximizing the compatibility of the technology platform with clients’ pre-existing systems) are, however, inherent to all CellRev’s target markets.

Through a bespoke facilitated process understanding study, Britest were able to help CellRev's team translate their knowledge into a series of working descriptive models - of the of the core enzyme cocktail action, critical cell transformations and detachment forces at play in batch and continuous operation. - and a prioritized scale-up risk assessment. The study also generated thirty follow-up actions for further development of concepts, validation of hypotheses and assumptions, plugging of knowledge gaps, and pursuing new ideas.

This output formed an important element in shaping the focus of CellRev’s R&D programme leading up to the successful launch of the Livit ACE continuous manufacturing platform in March 2024.

Britest played an important role in improving process understanding for a breakthrough in continuous bioprocess technology.Harsh Bhuta, Senior Product Manager, CellRev.

Full read:

In-depth Process Understanding to Underpin a Continuous Bioprocess Manufacturing Platform

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