The following information can be useful when carrying out ISA
Business information | Technical information |
Costs of raw materials Sales value of products Restrictions on material supplies Regulatory constraints Time constraints, e.g. desired time to market Customer requirements Available capital for improvements |
Number of process stages Yields Cycle times Safety, Health and Environmental criteria Process robustness Product specifications Raw material specifications |
1. Define the problem
Where are we now?
2. Define the objecive of the study |
What are the specific objectives to move us towards the general aim?
3. Clarify the constraints |
What are the real constraints?
Typical constraints
4. Define the product |
What are the desired product characteristics? i.e. What must the product do and/or achieve?
5. Define the process |
Create an overview of the process summarising the main processing steps.
6. Choose what to focus on |
"Chase the value"
Try to identify the root causes of problems |
Page last updated 4th January 2016